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Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details

The History

Gabriella Rasponi, widow of Count Venceslao Spalletti Trivelli, Senator of the Kingdom of Italy, niece of Gioacchino Murat and Carolina Bonaparte (Napoleon's sister), purchased the land across from the gardens of the Quirinal Palace, where the house of Tito Pomponio Attico, editor and friend of Cicero, once stood. She entrusted the task of building Villa Spalletti Trivelli to Architect Domenico Avenali (who availed of expert artists and artisans, like Edoardo Gioja).

Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details
Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details


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Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details

100 years of cultural heritage

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Villa Spalleti Trivelli – Details

The Present

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